Posts tagged self-inquiry
The Neti Neti of Now

Neti Neti is an ancient spiritual practice. It is an inquiry that enables you to see through anything the mind says you are. The Neti Neti of Now ends the spiritual search for enlightenment and cuts through the false hope that the teacher or guru will miraculously fix your life circumstances. It is a simple stop that reveals your eternal nature, which is free of any role, any circumstance, or movement of mind to fix or change—the radical teaching of Ramana Maharshi.

The Shadow Child

The deep feeling that there is something wrong with you seems like it has no origin or that it has simply been with you your entire life, but the feeling of worthlessness or self-hatred can be traced back to the trauma of the birth process. But the moment you shine the light of your consciousness onto the shadow child there is a natural shift from the blame of immaturity to the responsibility of maturity.